Member in The Spot Light 10-3-2009

Click Here To Wish Robin Congraulations

Hi Everyone! My name is Robin Brostovski (don't let it scare you, its phonetic!) and stay at home mom of 2 grown boys in college. We live in no mans land in Virginia. As challenging as it is with no high speed internet..its beautiful here! We have many deer, turkey, foxes, assorted small critters and yes BEARS! They are amazing to watch. We volunteer for small dog rescue groups and that has been so much fun! I have been in direct sales for over 15 years in various companies. And I have also run alternative health lectures (I am a certified Nutritional Herbologist). We are also veteran homeschoolers so if you are considering, I have a lot of experience I would love to share with you!

Since being involved in sales for so many years, I wanted something different. Something I could share with others to better their businesses, to help them with organizing their lives, and to help them reach out to others. I found that in the newest business I joined in January of this year. Let me tell you a little about it!

I am a stay in touch coach! We're in a recession." "Nobody's buying." "Sales are down." Anybody hearing those types of statements lately?

Hallelujah! Good, experienced, professional business owners and sales people know that a recession is a tremendous opportunity to improve market share.

Why? Two reasons.

First, because a lot of their competitors are giving up or waiting until the economy gets better. In good times, if people don't hear from you, they assume you're busy. In bad times, if people don't hear from you, they assume you're GONE.

Second, because sales professionals KNOW that people still buy houses and cars and clothing and jewelry and vacuum cleaners during a recession. People still go on vacation, go out to eat, go to the dentist and go get their nails done.

It is well documented that business people who maintain their visibility during tough economic times and who stay in touch with clients and prospects can improve their market share and return on investment at lower cost than during good economic times.

More and more companies are incorporating greeting cards into their marketing strategies because they are the ultimate in personal marketing. conveying good wishes while keeping your brand top-of-mind. Consider sending a custom greeting card during the all-important holiday season, for birthdays or as welcome or thank you notes.

There are some obvious times when sending custom greeting cards can be a good idea for your business. And then there are some less common times when sending print greeting cards can really have a tremendous impact on your customers.

You can design different greeting card printing projects to produce different types of greeting cards. Here are some suggested ways to use your marketing greeting cards:

Send greeting cards during holidays, such as Christmas or Thanksgiving

.Use custom greeting cards to tell past customers "thank you" for their business

.Promote an upcoming event or sale with a greeting card campaign

.Use a custom greeting card to ask customers for feedback or for a referral

NOW you can easily do this directly from your computer. Send a REAL card in minutes thru the US mail for a dollar or less with this cool tool that will drive your business to the next level. The contact manager allows you to enter unlimited customer, family, friends info including special dates like a phone directory. Include special dates, and it will remind you via email to send your card so it will arrive on time! Why spend the time and money to go to the store, buy the card for 3-5.00 each, go to the post office, get stamps, drive home and write the cards out, then remember to mail it when you can simply do the same thing from your computer. Pick a card or create one of your own..personalize and hit send, and the company will print, stuff, stamp and mail it for you for about a dollar!

If you are serious about building a large referral base, serious about stepping above the me ASAP.

Wishing you blessings and great success!

Robin Brostovski
Try sending one free contact me!

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