Beauty Extravaganza Event
I want to know where are all the beautiful fans who are ready for the
best Beauty Extravaganza Event?
best Beauty Extravaganza Event?
When was the last time you pampered yourself?
When was the last time you painted your nails/toes or went to the spa?
Have you ever had a Beauty Consultation?
Do you wear or love make-up!
Do you have a favorite celebrity designer fragrance?
What is your favorite designer handbag or tote?
When was the last time your eyebrows were arched?
Have you set goals this year to exercise more?
What are you doing to be healthy from inside {mind and body}?
Do you wear jewelry? If so, what type?
Do you have a favorite Beauty Blogger?
Mark your calendars for this special date January 30, 2013! There is going to be a fantastic giveaway of excellent products and prizes that you could win just for yourself! The event will take place 3 times a year {January, April and July} and the prizes will get bigger and bigger.
Here is a sneak peek of some great prizes:
Spa Gift Cards/Certificates, Cosmetics, Cosmetic Gift Cards, Cosmetic
& Beauty Coupons, Makeup holder case, Target sample bag with
samples, Perfume- Designer, Beauty Expert Yearly Magazine subscription,
True Whit {Whitney Port} Designing a Life of Style, Nail polish, Eye Shadow, Beauty and Fun Book,
Beauty Scarf, Beauty Storage Box, $25 Visa Cash Gift Card, Saks Fifth
Avenue Gift Card with surprise amount plus many more items...
Event sponsored by SSFAM!
Love your Beauty
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Featuring fashion styles and trends, DIY fashions, jewelry, accessories. From time to time I will offer giveaways and at Live Laugh Love To Shop we love your visits and comments. Thank you for each one!