"Love To Follow Fridays" Blog Hop

"Love To Follow Fridays" 
Is just starting back up, now that summer is closing I have more time.
Follow Friday is all about following other blogs to have them follow you, so all I ask is a couple of things for this to work.
1. Please Follow my blog through GFC  (Still Works)
2. Follow on Pinterest
3. Link your lovely blog
4. Comments are appreciated. I would return the favor
5. Please Tweet To Share The Hop
Then participate in the Rafflecopter to win a Co-Host Spot in next weeks "Love To Follow Friday"
As a co-host you will help host the hop, have a backlink on this blog and post the linky.
This is for Glenda Cates, her family has learned that her mother has cancer, apparently she did not tell her family until about 2 weeks ago when she had to undergo test, to reveal that she has cancer all over in her body, it spread so fast that in 2 weeks she is now in hospice. Thus the reason for helping Glenda earn some extra money to help with expenses. 
You can read more of Glenda's blog post 
Calling My Mom she needs our prayers through this difficult time. Thank you!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway And now link up that Big Beautiful Blog
I hope you enjoyed the post and I enjoy comments when you visit.
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