Style Tips for New Moms Who Want to be More Stylish
No matter how your relationship with fashion looked before you were a mom, you will admit that now a lot of things have changed. And, it is completely normal – pregnancy changes both your mindset and your body. After those hard nine months of carrying a person inside of your ginormous belly, you’ve now entered a sleep-deprived, PJ-cloaked zone called: living with a newborn. At the same time, you are supposed to nurse that little thing. In other words – hello clothes with eased boob access. I know, it’s pretty hard.
However, just because you are a mom now, that doesn’t have to mean you should neglect your style, nor that remaining stylish will make your mom life harder. After all, style is not about wearing uncomfortable clothes and blindly following all the latest trends, but rather about feeling good about yourself in general with the help of right pieces.
1. Denim all the way
You are probably aware of the fact that the right shoes can completely change the way you enter the room and give any outfit a special note of style. And sure, we all love those canvas slip-ons and pointy toe flats, but a good pair of heels will make you feel a lot sexier and stand taller. No more than a few inches will already make a difference. Take wedges for example – they give you both height and comfort, and the range of options is endless. Plus, they are always IN. Put on those jeans we’ve talked about earlier and a cool printed tee with a fitted blazer, and spice your look with a pair of wedges and voila – there is one sexy mama right there.
4. On the go
My blog is all about fashion, trends and shopping! Don't we all love fashion in one way or another, some seasons better than others. My favorite is fall and winter as I like to layer with light weight jackets.
However, just because you are a mom now, that doesn’t have to mean you should neglect your style, nor that remaining stylish will make your mom life harder. After all, style is not about wearing uncomfortable clothes and blindly following all the latest trends, but rather about feeling good about yourself in general with the help of right pieces.
So without further ado, here is how to style up your mom life.
First of all, erase those ugly mom jeans from your head right now. I’m not talking about them. The key is to upgrade your jeans wardrobe with at least one good pair of jeans – from this decade. Have in mind that, even though you still may be able to fit inside your skinnies from your early 20s, you should still leave them where they belong – in your 20s. Denim changes and upgrades from year to year, and every woman needs at least one totally fitted and flattering pair that can also stand up to her current lifestyle – in this case, mom lifestyle. A garment like this will be your closet’s number one staple, so have in mind that you will probably spend some money on it – and don’t skimp.
2. Give a gal the right pair of shoes and she will conquer the world
3. Bags for days
As a mother who aspires to remain stylish – you sure are lucky to live in a 21st century. Now, even the mommy accessories such as nappy bags are stylish. In other words, get yourself one designer nappy bag that will both fit all your baby necessities (from diapers, over wipes all the way to clothes and your stuff) and make you look gorgeous. Those stereotypical ones with cartoon characters just don’t do the trick anymore, because they will instantly switch your look into a sleep-deprived mommy, no matter how good your outfit may be.
Getting up an hour early in order to do a full face of makeup and curl your hair daily? Ain’t nobody got time for that! But the good news is that you don’t even have to do it. Simply throw on your basic makeup (mascara, tinted lip gloss, foundation and bronzer), comb your hair and you will already look more than fine – which is more than enough for an everyday look, and this will take only 5 minutes.
5. Go-to
Choose one garment you particularly love which shows off your personal style the best way possible and use it as your go-to garment that will make any outfit pop. For example, a basic, fitted black blazer is a great choice for a go-to garment. You can pair it with tees, dresses, denim – whatever.
I hope these tips were helpful. As you can see, it all revolves around a couple of quality pieces and a good organization. If you have some more tips you would like to share, feel free to leave them in the comment section below.
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